Tag: “Engage”

Getting Things Done - GTD

Is it the time to make the leap and pay for a GTD application?

Is it the time to make the leap and pay for a GTD application?

Start by doing the following reflection: What is the role of Getting Things Done in my workflow? Is it the centerpiece to manage my work and commitments or is it just a support system by now? Depending on the weight the method has on your personal management system, you may search for a tool that serves as a foundation for implementing your lists system that raises your level of perspective.

Getting Things Done - GTD

What should I do right now?

What should I do right now?

Imagine that, in a given moment of your day, you find an unexpected gift of 30 free minutes. What will you do with this time? What should you do? There are some variables that come into play when you are choosing what is the best thing you can do at any particular moment during your day. Ideally, all these variables would be somehow assimilated by your subconscious, so that when the time comes, you just need to trust your intuition.

Getting Things Done - GTD

GTD for Students

GTD for Students

Whether you are studying a master’s degree or learning a new language on your own, you will surely have to mix studying with other activities such as working or running a household.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: Your daily activity

Basic GTD: Your daily activity

If you capture all the stuff that command your attention, clarify what they mean and what to do about them, organize the resulting tasks and reflect on them when appropriate, then your daily actions are found in these three lists:

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: How to choose the next action?

Basic GTD: How to choose the next action?

The Next Actions list may contain a large number of possibilities. These actions must be done as soon as possible, but what criteria should you use to choose the most appropriate action to do at all times? These four, in this order:

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