Tag: “Communication”

Personal Productivity

How Writing Can Boost Your Productivity and Motivation

How Writing Can Boost Your Productivity and Motivation

Writing a paper is often imagined as a burden that no one likes, but has to carry on. Though, don’t be so critical about the way you perceive writing. It doesn’t matter what kind of paper you are dealing with. Every task is a new experience and new skills to master. No knowledge of that kind will be useless. The single thing you have to do is to concentrate on the bright sides of writing activity.

Personal Productivity

10 Benefits That Writing Gives You

10 Benefits That Writing Gives You

Jason Fried says in his book Rework that in Basecamp, company in which he is co-founder and CEO, one of the abilities that they are interested in when hiring people is their writing ability, no matter if they are sales people, programmers, or designers. The reason is simple: Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Good writers know how to communicate, they make things easy to understand and they know when to leave out the unnecessary.

Personal Productivity

On Productivity, Words Matter

On Productivity, Words Matter

Have you ever read a to-do and realized that you do not know exactly what you meant when you wrote it? Have you ever read a to-do that you remember seemed very exciting when it was captured, and now it does not seem that interesting?

Personal Productivity

A good communication makes a difference

A good communication makes a difference

Inevitably, every organization reflects somehow the weakest link of the chain that makes up its structure. Even if you are a freelance, you need to interact with more people to get your work done (partners, customers, suppliers). If there is someone in your work chain who does not respond to email for two weeks, your efficiency—or your organization’s—will be penalized. Dullness in a team member is contagious and begets dullness in the system.

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