Tag: “Motivation”

Personal Productivity

ROWE: Results Only Work Environment

ROWE: Results Only Work Environment

A Results Only Work Environment is a human resource management strategy in which employees are remunerated depending on their results instead of the hours they have worked.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Changing Attitudes

Changing Attitudes

Whenever a FacileThings user cancels his subscription, or simply doesn’t renew it, I try to find out the reasons. If they answer my email and the reason is something that is not working properly, or it’s not easily understood or they just don’t like it, it becomes an opportunity for me to improve the service and avoid that other users end up with the same (bad) experience. However, one of the most usual answers I get is something like “using the application meant doing things in a different way than I am used to”.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Kanter's Law: Everything Looks like a Failure in the Middle

Kanter's Law: Everything Looks like a Failure in the Middle

Every time you are learning something new, developing a new habit or running a big project, there are always moments in which thoughts invade your mind. It looks like you don’t move on, you don’t feel comfortable and your goal seems too far away.

Getting Things Done - GTD

The Five I's of GTD

The Five I's of GTD

A few days ago, GTD Times — the official blog of the David Allen company — published a very interesting 3-minute video 1 where David Allen talks about the five stages in the GTD lifecycle. He calls them The Five I’s:

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