Tag: “Practical GTD”

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Organize Your Reference Material

How to Organize Your Reference Material

Many of the things that fall into your hands do not require any action but contain valuable and useful information for some of your tasks or some future project.

Getting Things Done - GTD

The “Not This Week” List

The “Not This Week” List

Out of the fundamental habits of GTD, the Weekly Review is one of most difficult to establish. All organizational systems tend to go towards entropy and many people fail to realize how important it is to keep their system clean and updated so they can trust it unreservedly.

Getting Things Done - GTD

GTD Recipes: Actionable Books

GTD Recipes: Actionable Books

Just a few years ago, when you wanted to learn something on your own, all you could do was buy a book written by some expert on the subject. We are now in the Age of Information. If you google on a any subject, you will not only find physical books, but also e-books, videos, essays, online courses, podcasts, and countless articles about it.

Getting Things Done - GTD

GTD Recipes: Organizing an Online Course

GTD Recipes: Organizing an Online Course

When you don’t have too much spare time, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are a great way to learn and catch up on subjects that interest you.

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