Tag: “Stress-Free”

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Manage Your Personal and Professional Life Effectively

How to Manage Your Personal and Professional Life Effectively

If you are like me, you’ve probably learned to organize and manage your life through your intuition, listening to some advice, trying things, getting some things wrong and others right, until you have found a system that more or less works for you.

Getting Things Done - GTD

12 Tips to Keep Your To-Do List Short but Useful

12 Tips to Keep Your To-Do List Short but Useful

The main function of a to-do list is to organize and prioritize the tasks you have to do. Besides, they allow you to gain a certain sense of control and peace of mind, since you know you don’t need to remember what’s on it.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Giving up Planning to Improve Effectiveness?

Giving up Planning to Improve Effectiveness?

We are generally not good at planning projects that we have not carried out before. It makes sense, we lack the information and experience to adjust the scope of the project to reality.

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