Tag: “Tools”

Personal Productivity

Brainstorming or Mind Mapping?

Brainstorming or Mind Mapping?

The choice between one or the other seems somewhat fallacious; each of them has its time and usefulness. But the truth is that when you are ready to start a natural planning process, it is an opportunity to unleash your creativity and let ideas emerge without the slightest hint of critical sense.

Personal Productivity

4 changes that have increased my productivity

4 changes that have increased my productivity

It is so easy to get used to the daily routines and the usual way in which we do our things. Doing things “as always” allows us to feel comfortable because—right or wrong—we control our own little world.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Is it the time to make the leap and pay for a GTD application?

Is it the time to make the leap and pay for a GTD application?

Start by doing the following reflection: What is the role of Getting Things Done in my workflow? Is it the centerpiece to manage my work and commitments or is it just a support system by now? Depending on the weight the method has on your personal management system, you may search for a tool that serves as a foundation for implementing your lists system that raises your level of perspective.

Getting Things Done - GTD

What does FacileThings give to my GTD

What does FacileThings give to my GTD

After just over a month using FacileThings I can draw some conclusions. It is all about the idea of using a specific application to Get Things Done. After using several solutions with personal customizations, now I do not have to worry about designing my own framework. I only have to devote myself to do things and this has allowed me to step forward.

Personal Productivity

Finally, I am jumping to FacileThings

Finally, I am jumping to FacileThings

After implementing my GTD system on applications not specifically designed for it, as Microsoft One Note and Evernote, I am skipping to FacileThings. So far I have resisted because it is a cloud application. Yes, I am an outdated guy who believes that things should be stored on my hard disk to be considered mine. Another reason is I was waiting the beta phase to be completed. Finally, I am absolutley satisfied. But, why should you change if you have something that works?

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