Tag: “Work-flow”

Getting Things Done - GTD

Making It All Work

Making It All Work

To live an effective life we need to make things happen and, to do so, we should be able to engage with our world in a way that allows us to get the experiences we are looking for.

Getting Things Done - GTD

GTD for Freelancers

GTD for Freelancers

The GTD methodology (Getting Things Done) methodology is a personal productivity system that is valid and appropriate for everyone, but there are certain professions, jobs, and ways of working and living in which it is essential to be able to organize oneself efficiently.

Getting Things Done - GTD

To Reflect Means to Look at Things with Perspective

To Reflect Means to Look at Things with Perspective

We have seen how you can transform all the to-dos in your life into a set of perfectly organized reminders in a trusted system. We could say that the first three stages of the GTD methodology workflow form the “organizational apparatus” of the method:

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