Getting Things Done - GTD

Gaining Control Through Capture (Part I)
Gaining Control Through Capture:
Getting Things Done - GTD
Gaining Control Through Capture:
Getting Things Done - GTD
Have you ever put something on your front door so that you won’t forget to take it somewhere the next day? Surely, by doing that you forgot about it, stopped worrying, and went on with your day as if nothing had happened.
Getting Things Done - GTD
I have recently discussed what open loops are and why their mismanagement (or simply their lack of management) is often the cause of poor personal performance, both at work and in other matters of personal life.
Getting Things Done - GTD
Continuing with the theme of the previous post (coping with the increasing complexity of life) and digging a little deeper, the key to coping with any situation is to stay calm and focus on what is really important.
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