Tag: “Habits”

Personal Productivity

Six Daily Routines And Habits To Increase Personal Productivity

Six Daily Routines And Habits To Increase Personal Productivity

Improving personal productivity is a goal that often worries all of us. It has nothing to do with investing many hours in the process. This is due to the achievement of a level of harmony between goals and the result. How do you get it? Very simple! You need to follow our advice and develop good habits.

Personal Productivity

Routines Can Help Boost Your Productivity

Routines Can Help Boost Your Productivity

The word “routine” often has negative connotations for many people. To them it means doing things always in the same way and on the same schedule, boring things that limit their freedom and creativity.

Personal Productivity

12 Time thieves to avoid

12 Time thieves to avoid

Behaviors, situations, and environmental elements that make us waste our valuable time are usually called time thieves.

Personal Productivity

Why Assigning Priority to Your Tasks Is Not a Good Idea?

Why Assigning Priority to Your Tasks Is Not a Good Idea?

Traditional management systems, both personal and for business, are based on the assignment of priority to each of the projects or actions to be carried out. It’s so common that, to a greater or lesser extent, we are all accustomed to working that way.

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