Tag: “Health”

Personal Productivity

How to use your energy productively

How to use your energy productively

You have managed to set up and assimilate a personal productivity system that works for you. Congratulations, that is not easy. Despite it, you are aware that, in many cases, you are not performing well. You are realizing that, in order to perform certain tasks, you need much more time than you had planned.

Personal Productivity

Slow down to be productive

Slow down to be productive

Have you ever reached the point where, despite feeling like going for a walk (or any other banal activity), you do not do it because you think it will be a waste of time? I certainly have been there.

Personal Productivity

Self-management Fundamentals

Self-management Fundamentals

Self-management is a key skill needed in all facets of life. Many students earn low grades or drop out, not because they are unable to assimilate lessons, but because they get overwhelmed by the workload. Often, employees who promote in a company are not the most intelligent or educated, but the most resolutive, that is, those who are able to cope with a heavy workload and get things done. And, although many of us are not aware of this, lack of personal organization can even ruin our financial situation and our relationships.

Personal Productivity

Good stress, bad stress

Good stress, bad stress

Stress is generated due to certain restrictions and demands that act upon us. Restrictions prevent us to do what we desire and demands request strongly our effort and focus into something. In particular, stress occurs when we deal with a restriction or demand of which outcome we perceive to be both important and uncertain.

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