Tag: “Organization”

Personal Productivity

How to Stop Living an Email-driven Life

How to Stop Living an Email-driven Life

These days it is very common to see many knowledge workers living their life around email. Email is not only where they communicate with others, but also where they organize their work and manage their tasks. Email is the base camp where everything they have to do is born, handled and killed.

Personal Productivity

Getting Organized is Not Enough

Getting Organized is Not Enough

Getting organized is relatively simple. Many believe that it is only a matter of choosing a good task management application and start to put things there. But then you have to maintain that organization. Most of these people jump from one application to another every time they start to lose control, believing they will find a tool that will provide them the balance their life needs. Good luck with it.

Personal Productivity

Use Procedures to be More Productive

Use Procedures to be More Productive

The first time I wrote a blog post I was not pretty sure how to reach potential readers. I remember I posted a couple of tweets about it, hoping someone would notice. With the second post, I thought that posting it on Facebook would also help. As I was writing more articles, I added references in LinkedIn, Google Plus, StumbleUpon, Reddit and Tumblr. Then I thought that if the article had a picture, it also could be posted on Pinterest. Also, since I write all my articles in English and Spanish, and my audience is divided between Europe and America, it made sense to use different schedules so most people would notice.

Personal Productivity

What you need to stay organized

What you need to stay organized

“I need to get organized: I’ll choose a task management application, I’ll sign up, I’ll enter my pending tasks and that’s all.” Many people believe that getting organized is that easy. I wish!

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