Tag: “Capture”


New Capture Section and General Upgrade

New Capture Section and General Upgrade

This weekend we have launched a new version of FacileThings in which, among other things, the Capture section has been redesigned.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Why I Stopped Using Pocket to Capture Stuff

Why I Stopped Using Pocket to Capture Stuff

I suppose you know Pocket. It is an excellent service that allows you to save all kinds of links to read or watch later. It integrates perfectly with all your social media, your email, your browsers and all your mobile devices, so that whenever you find something that seems interesting, wherever you are, and you don’t have enough time to go through it thoroughly, you can capture it with just a simple click to look it up later. Frankly, I believe it’s a great idea.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Capture Everything. Then Get Rid of the Unnecessary

Capture Everything. Then Get Rid of the Unnecessary

If you follow the GTD philosophy in your personal organization you already know that one of its most important principles is to capture quickly and without thinking every thing what comes to your mind, so that you can continue with what you were doing without distractions.

Getting Things Done - GTD

The Importance of Next Actions

The Importance of Next Actions

In GTD we name those things we have captured and are still not processed as “stuff”. And we do it on purpose, to denote their abstract nature, since we haven’t yet paused to think what they really are—although we may have a preconceived idea. Then, when you are processing or clarifying your stuff, the key question is “Is there any action required?”

Getting Things Done - GTD

The Zeigarnik Effect and GTD

The Zeigarnik Effect and GTD

One day in 1927 Bluma Zeigarnik, a Russian student of psychology at the University of Berlin, went along with several classmates and teachers to have dinner at a restaurant in town. When the waiter who served them took the order of all the diners with absolutely nothing to write in, as he did with the rest of the tables, she thought it was going to end badly. However, after a while the waiter served everyone exactly what they ordered.

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