Tag: “List Management”

Getting Things Done - GTD

To Be Productive, You Need Structure

To Be Productive, You Need Structure

You are working on an activity that you are stuck on, or that you don’t feel like continuing to work on because you don’t have the right mindset at the moment, or you simply don’t have the energy to continue working on it. There are two things you can do: rest or switch tasks.


Changelog (September 2022)

Changelog (September 2022)

In recent months we have been working mainly on developing a new payment system that will allow us to improve subscription management and be able to expand the plans for using the application in the near future.

Getting Things Done - GTD

GTD: A Higher Level Approach to Personal Effectiveness

GTD: A Higher Level Approach to Personal Effectiveness

One of the reasons GTD has achieved great recognition as a personal productivity system is that it doesn’t reduce our daily activity to a simple set of tasks to be marked as done. That’s oversimplified. Although being productive is about getting more done with as little effort as possible, we aren’t machines. We’re human beings, and our actions must respond to something deeper.


Changelog (February 2022)

Changelog (February 2022)

In recent weeks we have introduced a number of small improvements to the web application. Most of them fall into the Project management section:

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